Knitting Purls
Anyone who knits, crochets, looms, or would like to learn any of those is welcome!
Knitting Purls
Anyone who knits, crochets, looms, or would like to learn any of those is welcome!
Knitting Purls
Anyone who knits, crochets, looms, or would like to learn any of those is welcome!
Knitting Purls
Anyone who knits, crochets, looms, or would like to learn any of those is welcome!
Online Bible Study
Wednesday Lectionary Bible Study
Please join the meeting at the time indicated, and turn video and audio on.
To turn on audio, click on Join Audio and then click on Join Audio by Computer.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 6296 5772
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Meeting ID: 859 6296 5772
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Thanksgiving Dinner
You are invited to a Family Thanksgiving Dinner, please invite your family!
Where: Cram Hall, St. John’s
When you sign up, you will sign your name next to an activity to do, or, a “dish” of something to share with all. Please be generous with your portions as we are including guests.
Please bring a small item representing something you are thankful for. It could even be a photo representing a pet, family, place, etc.
E-mail to sign up
Knitting Purls
Anyone who knits, crochets, looms, or would like to learn any of those is welcome!