“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God..”
Ephesians 5:1
Generous giving of what God has given us is how we put the gratitude that flows from prayer and community into practice. We are accountable to God and to one another for how we use our gifts, not out of guilt or rivalry, but because we seek to grow in unity, love, and trust. Being called to membership in Christ’s body together, we support that growth in one another with our actions, offering our time, talent, and treasure in service of the mission that we share.

2025 Pledge Campaign
Our life together at St. John’s shares in the death and life of Jesus, who opened a new and inclusive space of thanksgiving and communion for all. No gift of ours is too strange or too small for Jesus to take up in the high-priestly offering of his humanity to God. We are drawn to this participation not by obligation but by love. Love is God’s Word to us in Christ, which calls out of us the gifts of love.
Your pledge of continuing support for St. John’s in 2025 helps our congregational leaders plan our in-person and online ministries and the wise custodianship of our common resources.
Here is how you can help
If you’d like to increase your pledge, contact our Treasurer at conneeyoung@outlook.com.
If you haven't pledged yet for 2025, please do so. Here is a link to pledge online: https://onrealm.org/StJohnsEpiscopa63868/AddPledge/2025pledgepayment.
Make a gift to St. Johns in your Estate Plan
As you know, the structures at St. John’s require a great deal of maintenance and upkeep. Making a gift to St. John’s in your estate plan is one way to help ensure that our beautiful church is preserved for future generations.
There are many ways of making such gifts to St. John’s through the Episcopal Church Foundation which go into effect upon your death, while still qualifying for an immediate income tax tax deduction. Many of these gifts can also provide an income stream over your lifetime. Best of all, they do not require an attorney, just a simple application form to the Episcopal Church Foundation.
If you are interested in exploring these options, please contact Ron Champoux at (415) 459-2000 ext. 1 or ron@marincountyfamilylaw.com.
Any support that you can provide to our beloved institution would be greatly appreciated, and will entitle you to participate in our annual 1856 Society gatherings.